Friday, August 15, 2014

The semblance of love

The semblance of love
August 15, 2014
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

“It is not negotiable, nor is it relative, but absolute.”
'Semper Fidelis,' is more than a fancy slogan. It is truly a way of life. "Always faithful." It isn't "Sometimes Faithful." Nor is it "Usually Faithful...

Ever since I was a teenager, I was always in love; I was enamored with life, my family, my friends, my loved ones, my surroundings, and with the beauty of nature. Yet, I longed for the love of my blue prince. After many years of trial and error, of being temporarily bent, my wounded and wrung out heart, made a steadfast come back, and here I am, a survivor. Now, in exactly a day and half, I will be in the arms of my soul mate, my TRUE love, the one I had awaited for, all my life. When love first re-appeared on my door earlier this year, I was incognizant to that warm and tender, yet somewhat repressed feeling within, that I became a bit distraught for the sake of fear...

That brief episode of denial only lasted a few days, until I had a face-off with Gina Yoryet and decided to accept it embrace it, and be thankful for this new God given opportunity.  I’ve emphasized to him that the long hiatus that I took, was worth every single second of it because our paths have finally crossed. The moment couldn’t have been any more perfect for our longing souls.

Right now I am caught amidst frenzy, excitement, joy, victory and hope. Now that love is knocking on my door stronger than ever (and I hope till the end of time), why not give it another shot when I was least expecting it? Why not walk hand in hand till one of us expires? Why not just let it flow? 'Carpe Diem,' Enjoy the pleasures of the moment, without concern of what the future holds for us? Why not put aside all differences, fears and worries and just go for it?

I am a bit flabbergasted because I know that it won’t be easy for a number of reasons (NOT because we don’t love each other), but due to the small, but not impossible obstacles lying ahead of us. For the first time in my life though, I’ve mellowed down, and I am giving all of me (I want this man’s last name, his babies. I yearn to be his loyal and loving wife); my mind, body, heart and soul, I want to work at loving him every single day, I want to think about what is the best for ‘us’ under any circumstances, I’ve already decided to love and respect him every single day of my life. For the first time EVER, it will be, ‘us,’ ‘we,’ as opposed to, ‘I,’ ‘me.’ These seeds that I am planting slowly and thoroughly, will keep the spark alive twenty, thirty, forty years down the line.

I want to have the same type of love grandpa Hal and grandma Mary Lou professed to each other more than fifty years ago until death separated them. And only then will I look back and pride myself that I accomplished another one of my victories.

I yearn to growing old with J. V. A. because there couldn’t have been anyone better than him for me, or anyone better for him than me.

Therefore, it is now that I’ve decided to start a new episode in my existence and 'Semper Fidelis,' be loyal to him for the rest of our lives. All the emotions and excitement stirring inside, are the realization that have led me to unleash all the repressed feelings and celebrate…


The love that I have always believed in…
The TRUE love that I’ve finally encountered..
The love that can be manifested in so many ways now that the man of my dreams is walking with me hand in hand till the end of time.

I love you J. V. A.!

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